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Have you opened a new social media account since our last visit?

Respondents in de treatment group open new social media accounts less often, over time. The distribution between groups and gender differs.

A reason why this number is declining might be that new smartphone users eagerly create new accounts at first, and having most they want in the first few months.

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Question: Have you opened a new Social media account, since last time we visited you?
Value3020100JuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Yes (All respondents)Yes (Men)Yes (Treatment)Yes (Control)Yes (Women)
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What is the status of your phone?

The percentages of answers to this question are somewhat steady over time, and also don't show a lot of difference between groups and genders. 

But the answers themselves are interesting: 16%-20% of the respondents say that their phone is not working well or is broken, a high percentage in any regard. It would be interesting to see why this is.

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Question: What is the status of your phone?
Filter: All respondents
Value80706050403020100AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Not working well/ broken (All respondents)Working well (All respondents)Lost phone (All respondents)Lost phone
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Question: What is the status of your phone?
Filter: Men, Control, Treatment or Women
Value9080706050403020100AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Lost phone (Women)Not working well/ broken (Men)Working well (Men)Lost phone (Control)Lost phone (Treatment)Lost phone (Men)Not working well/ broken (Women)Working well (Women)Working well (Control)Working well (Treatment)Not working well/ broken (Treatment)Not working well/ broken (Control)
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Have you had to buy/receive a new phone, apart from the one you had last time?

Following the high percentage of respondents saying that their phone is not working or broken, we see a very high percentage (17%-24%) of people that bought or received a new smartphone since the last visit. The interviews are about 2 months apart, so this seems like a high turnover.

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Question: Have you had to buy/receive a new phone, apart from the one you had last time ?
Value3020100JuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Yes (Men)Yes (Women)Yes (All respondents)Yes (Treatment)Yes (Control)
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How many apps do you have on your phone?

Like social media apps, a reason why this number is declining at first might be that new smartphone users fill their phone with lots of apps, and that they prune them over time. In contrast to the social media apps, this questions seems to have stabilized.

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Question: How many apps do you have on you phone?
Filter: Treatment, Control, All respondents, Men or Women
Value80706050403020100AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Amount (Control)Amount (Women)Amount (Treatment)Amount (All respondents)Amount (Men)
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Last updated: 1 day ago